Next Evolution Center For Life Success is a 'Powerful Place To Transform'. A community of powerful people dedicated to maximizing the human experience. Next Evolution uses an innovated approach to transferring information that create accelerated results. The multi-day events combine lecture, experiential learning, and synergy, where you will challenge yourself to explore, question and discover your life, such that you expand personal and professional effectiveness NOW!
Weekly empowering events (Thursday Night Success Club), full and multi-day events, evening classes, guest speakers. Next Evolution is the perfect place to support you in your life's journey of being the best version of you possible.
After all... You Get One Life, One Chance, Create A Masterpiece!
What Are The Events Like?
Next Evolution uses Experiential Learning to assist in raising Emotional Intelligence and drawing forth authentic power. Education has been a part of our lives since we were kids, but it’s largely been through what’s called “didactic learning.” Didactic is education through books, lecture, and memorization of facts. Much of this information has been passed down through millennial and are laden with fear based mind viruses.
What Are The Event Hours/Cost?
Tuesday Introduction (1st and 3rd Tuesday) 6:30pm - 8:00pm (FREE)
Thursday Night Success Club (Starting in June) 6:30pm - 8:30pm ($10 cost donation)
Evening Classes (Varies)
Level One - Awareness (Our Foundation Class) - ($395 Cost Donation)
Level Two - Breakthrough - ($395 Cost Donation)
I AM Challenges I II & III - Three separate 30 day challenges that get increasingly more challenging (I AM ONE $595, I AM TWO $750, I AM THREE $950 cost donations)
How Do I Know I'll Benefit From Attending?
Many people don't realize change can happen in an instant, but it can. We just need the awareness, the tools, the support, and the commitment to choose it. Our multi-day event graduates have such extraordinary results so quickly because our curriculum is actually a highly developed and proven technology. You begin to experience a new awareness within the first hour of the event.
The second factor that makes our events unique is that we actually hold you accountable to apply what you learn in your life. We have created a vehicle of constant never ending improvement that you have access to when ever you feel the desire.
What is the Center For Life Success?
A Center For Life Success is a place of inquiry. It's a place to discover and challenge reality. Many organizations throughout history claim to 'know' the truth. At Next Evolution we examine language, beliefs, science, and religion from a place of openness, creating a space for all possibilities.
Is There Opportunities To Volunteer?
Next Evolution is an ongoing educational vehicle to create the life of your dreams! Part of that is giving back. Once you complete an event you now quality to be a leader in that level event . This works in giving others the ultimate life transforming experience, as well as getting a tune up for yourself. After you complete each I AM 30 Day Challenge you maybe ready to coach on a future Challenge! Coaching is the greatest way to keep the work and tools fresh in your life!
Next Evolution Success Center / 4568 E Cactus Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85032
(inside the Paradise Valley Mall entrance by Chompies) / 480-729-4465